what is the hanta virus and symptoms of hanta virus | stylebuzs
Corona virus infection, which started in Wuhan, China, is spreading rapidly worldwide. New cases of corona infection are coming out every day in many countries including India, America, Italy. Research is also going on regarding its treatment and vaccine, many of which are also showing positive results. China, which is most affected by Corona, is currently trying to control it. Meanwhile, a new virus has once again raised China's concern. The name of this virus is hanta virus. One person has died in China from this virus.
The person who died of the Hanta virus in the Chinese province of China was returning by bus to Shandong province. He was first seen suffering from corona. Later, when the body was brought to the hospital, the investigation revealed that he did not carry the corona virus. After this, all the 32 passengers boarded the bus. However, not much information has been found in this matter at the moment. The person's death from the Hanta virus was reported by the official newspaper Global Times. After this it became a matter of discussion whether the hanta virus is as dangerous as the corona virus!
1. Person has high fever
2. This fever can also be above 101 degrees
3. Infected person's head and body aches
4. He may have vomiting, abdominal pain.
5. Infected person may complain of diarrhea
6. Later symptoms may cause watery deposits in the lungs.
7. The infected person may have trouble breathing
According to the CDC, the virus virus does not spread through air or breath.
If one person is suffering from this virus then the infection will not spread to another person.
If a person comes in contact with a rat, they are at risk of the Hanta virus infection.
The infection can be caused by the rat coming in contact with saliva, sputum, feces or urine, and by touching the eyes, ears or mouth with these hands.
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The person who died of the Hanta virus in the Chinese province of China was returning by bus to Shandong province. He was first seen suffering from corona. Later, when the body was brought to the hospital, the investigation revealed that he did not carry the corona virus. After this, all the 32 passengers boarded the bus. However, not much information has been found in this matter at the moment. The person's death from the Hanta virus was reported by the official newspaper Global Times. After this it became a matter of discussion whether the hanta virus is as dangerous as the corona virus!
Symptoms of hysteria virus
The symptoms of the Hanta virus also correspond to the symptoms of the Corona virus to a large extent. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when infected with the Hanta virus,1. Person has high fever
2. This fever can also be above 101 degrees
3. Infected person's head and body aches
4. He may have vomiting, abdominal pain.
5. Infected person may complain of diarrhea
6. Later symptoms may cause watery deposits in the lungs.
7. The infected person may have trouble breathing
What is Laughing virus and how it spreads
The Hanta virus Rodent, a rat species, is found in its body. This does not cause disease to the rat, but it can cause human death.According to the CDC, the virus virus does not spread through air or breath.
If one person is suffering from this virus then the infection will not spread to another person.
If a person comes in contact with a rat, they are at risk of the Hanta virus infection.
The infection can be caused by the rat coming in contact with saliva, sputum, feces or urine, and by touching the eyes, ears or mouth with these hands.