Yellow tooth problems are often seen.  Who does not like white and shining teeth?  This is the reason why people often look for tips to whiten yellow teeth.  Yellow teeth can embarrass you many times.  Often you do not get to smile openly among people or friends just because you do not want to be embarrassed by this.  Yellow teeth can spoil the beauty of the face.  So let us tell you about the home remedies to make yellow teeth white, which will remove yellowing of teeth.  Before knowing the solutions to remove yellowing of teeth, it is important to know how to clean teeth.  If you want to know how to remove yellowing of teeth then first you need to know about healthy teeth and there will be measures to clean teeth.  We will tell you the remedies to remove yellowing of teeth, but first we know what to do to keep teeth clean and healthy.

 Home remedies to clean teeth

 - Use floss or interdental brush while cleaning teeth.  Clean the top and bottom of teeth once a day with light hands.  It is better to use floss at night.

 Use toothpaste containing fluoride for cleaning teeth, it removes cavity by keeping enamel layer on teeth.

 - Drink only a limited amount of soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, foods rich in sugar and acidic juices.  Do not eat too much candy and chocolate.

 - Scaling the teeth once every six months or once a year with the advice of a dentist.  This will keep the gums healthy and strong.  If cavity is formed in the teeth, it will be immediately known and the teeth will be safe from other types of diseases.

 - Dental implants should go to the dentist for regular cleaning every year.

 - Do not use toothpaste to clean dentures.  Clean it with gentle soap under running tap water.  Clean the ventures regularly.

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 Home remedies to remove yellowing of teeth

 1. Method of whitening teeth with salt and oil: 

Clean your teeth with salt and oil once a week.  Put two drops of mustard oil in half a teaspoon and massage the teeth lightly.  This will gradually eliminate yellowing.

 2. How to brighten teeth with baking soda: 

Put a pinch of baking soda with Colgate on the brush once or twice a week.  In this way, the yellow layer of teeth will be cleaned.

 3. Remove yellowing of teeth from neem: 

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Neem is always being used to clean teeth.  Due to its anti-bacterial property, it also keeps teeth away from all diseases.  To remove yellowness, clean the teeth with neem teeth.

 4. How to clean teeth with lemon:

 After eating, rub the teeth with lemon peel.  You can also do this method two to three times a week.  Keep in mind that rub the peel on the teeth not in the middle of the jaws, by doing this the teeth will turn sour and you will have trouble eating.